Agent Amelia: Spooky Ballet

Michael Broad

About the book

Three more stories in one volume, taken from the case files of Agent Amelia, the resourceful and feisty secret agent!

Spooky Ballet: Amelia is enrolled in a dancing class, but the teacher uses her class to pillage the audience at the local theatre and it takes all of Amelia's presence of mind to foil her!

Gobbledygook Books: there's a new librarian at school, who has reprogrammed all the computers with intent to rule the world. But Amelia overcomes her, with a little help from the real librarian and a big volume of the Works of William Shakespeare!

Whispering Scarecrow: there's a phantom picnicker targetting all the picnic baskets in a field, but when Amelia goes there with her mother, she discovers that actually it's a flock of crows instructed by a scarecrow. Just what mechanism can there be inside that soggy head? Trust Amelia to find out!

Publication Date
05 February 2009


Book Type
Paperback / softback


Agent Amelia: Spooky Ballet - Jacket

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