A Slice of the Moon

Sandi Toksvig

About the book

Because of the potato me and my family left our home and travelled 6,000 miles to find a new life . . .

Slim Hannigan and her family are poor but happy. Theirs is a life filled with love and laughter - and a pet pig called Hamlet.

But things change overnight, and suddenly they find themselves facing hunger and danger like they have never known . . . So they leave their village in Ireland to journey to America where, they hope, family and fortune await them.

Slim soon finds herself living a life that feels just like one of those far-fetched stories her Da has always told. Can one brave girl keep her family together no matter what is thrown at them . . . ?

Publication Date
01 October 2015

Penguin Random House Children's UK

Book Type
Digital (delivered electronically)


A Slice of the Moon - Jacket

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