
Pham Quang Phuc


About Pham Quang Phuc

Pham Quang Phuc is an illustrator from Vietnam. Quang Phuc has won lots of prizes in his career, including the Asian Children's Book Illustrator: Best in Fiction Award.

Recent updates about Pham Quang Phuc

The British Science Festival

Amazing!!! Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue. Published by Neon Squid.

6 days ago

National Zoo Awareness Day

Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid is a wonderful book for your children

16 days ago

Green Man Festival

Why not read Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid

1 month ago

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid 

1 month ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid

2 months ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid

2 months ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Emperor Penguin (Young Zoologist) by Dr. Michelle LaRue from Neon Squid

2 months ago

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