Oksa Pollock: The Heart of Two Worlds

Anne Plichota, Cendrine Wolf

About the book

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, torrential rain...

The Earth is in turmoil. Fleeing a flooded London, Oksa and the rest of the Pollock family set off in search of the Entrance Portal of Edefia, their magical home. It is their only chance of restoring the Earth's balance.

To get there, Oksa is forced to ally herself with the terrible Felons, mortal enemies who could betray her at any moment. Luckily she also has some real friends at her side: Pavel, her shapeshifting father; Gus and Tugdual, the two rivals for her heart; and, of course, her formidable grandmother Dragomira, along with her menagerie of Edefian creatures.

But little does Oksa know, not only will she have to brave countless dangers to reach the portal, she must also pay a terrible price to enter the hidden world... And what will await her on the other side?

Publication Date
09 October 2014

Pushkin Children's Books

Book Type


Oksa Pollock: The Heart of Two Worlds - Jacket

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